Our 6 Point Guide to keeping you safe – Our Covid Policy 1st June 2020
At Sawdye & Harris we remain committed to ensuring the safety of all of those with whom we work and working within government guidance whilst trying to minimise any disruption and provide essential services wherever possible. We are taking guidance from our professional bodies, The Guild of Property Professionals and Propertymark as we issue this guidance and try to navigate through the new way of working. In order to keep everyone safe we have prepared out Guide to Keeping you Safe - https://www.flipsnack.com/sawdye/six-point-guide-to-keeping-your-safe.html
The full Government guidance relating to the renting, selling , buying of property during this period can be read here https://www.gov.uk/guidance/government-advice-on-home-moving-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak .
In particular the main points we would draw your attention to are detailed below;
If you or anyone in your household have coronavirus symptoms, you should stay at home and self isolate and not attend any viewings or request visits from our agents.
Viewings will only be conducted after a virtual viewing has taken place if there is one and then only two people per household can view a property at a time.
Sales viewings are only permitted for people in a proceedable position, proof of which will need to be provided beforehand.
When you attend a viewing please wait in the car outside the property or on the pavement if you have taken public transport. Our team will greet you when you can enter the property.
Please ensure you are wearing gloves and a face covering/mask and respect social distancing throughout the viewing. You should always stay two meters away from our agent or other people near the property . You should bring your own hand sanitizer to use after the viewing.
You will not be permitted to enter the property if you attend without gloves and face coverings/masks.
Offers on sale and lettings properties
Offers on properties for sale and let should be made by telephone or email. All identification checks and reference checks will be conducted via email and facetime if required.
Moving in / key collection
You should arrange directly with local removal companies and follow government advice regarding social distancing when preparing to move. All key handovers will be done contact-free by either being left in a key safe of by a pre-arranged collection appointment.
We can conduct valuations safely either virtually or in person whilst adhering to our 6 Pint Guide to keeping you safe – https://www.flipsnack.com/sawdye/six-point-guide-to-keeping-your-safe.html
We recommend all doors and windows are left open and we will wear gloves and a face mask to keep you safe.
Property Advice
We are here to help so please just call or email us.
Office visits- Our locked door policy
We are open for business but for the well-being and safety of our staff and clients we have introduced a locked door policy in that our office remains closed to members of the public and clients without a prior appointment.
Our staff are working from home primarily, however, our staff frequently visit the office for administrative purposes. Any permitted visits must be in accordance with government advice regarding social distancing and personal protection equipment being worn. Attendees will be required to wear gloves and face coverings when attending the office.
Our offices remain open for business but behind locked doors. We are fully operational but you must contact us via TELEPHONE or EMAIL ONLY. Our phone lines and email are open to anyone who requires assistance for any reason including sales progression, booking an appointment or a general enquiry.
Contractors attending office
Contractors are not permitted to attend our offices without prior agreement. Keys for contractors will be left in a secure key box for collection if required and should be wiped down after use and returned through the office letter box.
Gas Inspections and visits from contractors for current tenants
Gas inspections, electric safety checks and other maintenance works required are being carried out where possible and following the same guidance as per property visits. Contractors will advise tenants as per their instructions for preparing for their visit. Properties will be required to be ventilated with doors and windows open 15 minutes before hand and tenants should if possible be out of the property (in garden or car) for the duration of the visit.
Contractors are required to wear PPE when attending properties for the safety of both themselves and the occupants.
Our aim is to keep you safe !
Best wishes
Katie Griffin
Sawdye & Harris